Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Mayoral Candidacy Announced

Harrison says he'll run for mayor, give up chance at third council term
Web-posted Jan 26, 2005
Of The Daily Oakland Press

City Councilman Charlie Harrison III has officially announced his candidacy for mayor.
The son of former state Rep. and Mayor Charlie Harrison Jr., who died in office, Harrison is completing his second four-year term as District 6 representative. He is giving up a run for a third council term to try for the mayoral job, which pays more than $98,000 annually plus the use of a car and benefits.

The chief executive officer of Sunesis Financial Services, a licensed stockbroker and a registered investment adviser, Harrison is also a member of the Downtown Development Authority.

He will compete with several other candidates in the August primary to oust Mayor Willie Payne.

Others who have announced or are expected to vie for the top city position are former police Chief Larry Miracle; former Deputy Mayor Leon Jukowski, an attorney; and former Mayor Walter Moore. Also possible candidates are City Council President Everett Seay, state Rep. Clarence Phillips, Downtown Development Director Sandy-Michael McDonald and former county commissioner and school board trustee Brenda Causey-Mitchell.

The two top vote-getters in the August primary will face off in November.

Harrison was in Washington, D.C., with a Pontiac contingent Monday and Tuesday, including Payne and other DDA members, to vie for a grant to help preserve and revitalize the city's historic downtown.

His campaign manager and spokeswoman Irma Hayes said in a news release, "We need a mayor who can run this city like a business, who has a financial background, who knows politics not just in theory but in practice, with old-fashioned family values.

"This city is ready for a seasoned candidate who has been trained in theory and in practice and that candidate is Charlie J. Harrison III."

Harrison received his undergraduate degree in political science and public administration at Oakland University. He was an intern for then-U.S. Rep. Bob Carr in Washington, D.C. He is a graduate of the Michigan Municipal League's Elected Officials Academy - levels 1 and 2 - and is working on level 3, the highest ranking.

He a member of the Department of Public Works and Public Utilities, Growth Group and Finance subcommittees and he is also a member of the Michigan Municipal League.

"Fiscal soundness, qualified employees and everyone held accountable," are Harrison's goals. "We must also keep in mind the citizens whom we represent, they are the reason we are here," Harrison said in the release.

Harrison and his wife, Shantay, have been married nine years and have four children, Crystal, twins Amber and Charlie IV and Shayla. His mother is Marquita Harrison.

Major issues for the city, according to Harrison, are a budget deficit, declining state revenue, revitalization of downtown, the redevelopment of the Silverdome and improving the city's housing stock.


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